Monday 8 September 2014

Tree Homes

hard water laundry liquid
On the famous Animal Planet television channel, there is numerous programming for the Tree house Master TV show, and Pete the expert travels all over the U.S. (and all over the world) looking for new and unusual tree houses and building custom tree houses for clients. There is something magical and primal about living in a tree house, even a custom built modern one, which appeals pretty deep to the human soul.

It’s private, it’s cozy, and there is always a perception within the house that you can’t be seen from without it. It’s a really cool feeling and there are few people who don’t find tree houses magical.

Pete the tree house master is always excited to learn about new tree houses and to see what other people have done over the course of many years when they develop and build their own tree houses. But, how does this discussion relate to being eco friendly? We’re glad you asked.

You see, when people commune with nature, they learn more about nature and how everything fits together to form a perfect whole, where thousands of tiny, unseen eco systems thrive and work together to form this cohesive whole.

Envirosafe Solutions specializes in eco friendly liquid products, but we know that not everyone takes nature activities to the point of using eco friendly chemical solutions, much less to the point of actually developing and living in a tree house as a residence. Well, it is always a good idea to take the first tiny step there is to take.

Use our chemical solutions which are all environmentally friendly liquids, like our solvent free degreaser, radiator coolant, our sanitiser, our mould rid, and our hard water laundry liquid. There are so many ways in which we have made our products safer for the environment than other chemicals of their nature, and we want to shout it from the treetops. Tree homes are a great use for our products, because you will need cleaning and maintenance chemicals which are safe for our environment. Therefore, only use products from Envirosafe Solutions in your tree house! At the same time, you can benefit the earth by using them in your business, both your office and jobsite, as well. For more information, call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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